Is my child plump or obese? What is the difference ?
Monitoring the weight and size of a child is important to follow.
A child between the ages of 3 and 10 who is growing up without gaining much weight is a child who does not have a weight problem. On the other hand, a child who is growing up and at the same time gaining weight is a child at risk of becoming obese.
To find out if your child is plump or obese, take the curve corresponding to the body mass index (BMI = weight / height²) in his health book.
Your child is plump or overweight when the figure is above the 97th percentile (which is a BMI line of 25 at the age of 18). Your child is obese if the figure is over a BMI line from 30 to 18 years old.
Example: Sabine is 10 years old, 1.40 m tall and weighs 45 kg.
BMI = 45 / 1.4.2 = 22.95.
Sabine is plump and would be obese if she weighed 50 kg (BMI = 25.51).