
Sometimes your paediatrician “monpediatre” is not available.
“My child cries, he complains. How much does it hurt? Should I bring him to the emergency department?

Care for babies, children and young people

As a member of «Swiss Society of Paediatrics. I am working for a high-quality health care for babies, children and adolescents.


The vaccine immunization program, directed principally at children, is one of the most successful examples of effective preventive care.

Prenatal Visit

Your paediatrician can support and guide expectant parents in the prenatal period. Prenatal visits allow the paediatrician to gather basic information from expectant parent

Breastfeeding-related information

Breastfeeding has many health benefits, which is why I support this plan for mother and child. But breastfeeding has to be learned first


Neonatology1 or neonatology2 is a medical specialty that focuses on the management of newborns, defined by an age of less than 28 days of life after birth.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

(attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity). According to the experts, attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) has probably always existed.

Management of childhood obesity

Is my child plump or obese? What is the difference ? Monitoring the weight and size of a child is important to follow.

Family medecine


Psycho périnatalité


High altitude medicine


Doctor Alexander Seiz Marital status: married, three children Nationality: German
Languages: German, French and English
Education, University Diplomas
Member of the Swiss Society of Pediatrics
Interuniversity Diploma « Psychoperinatality

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