
Neonatology1 or neonatology2 is a medical specialty that focuses on the management of newborns, defined by an age of less than 28 days of life after birth. These can be premature (born before 37 weeks of amenorrhea), normally matured (born between 37 and 41 weeks of amenorrhea + 6 days inclusive) or post-natal (born after 42 weeks of amenorrhea).

This pediatric specialty is at the interface with obstetrics and focuses on the fetus during intrauterine life as well as on the newborn. She may also be interested in the future of premature children. It is a hospital specialty.

Doctor Alexander Seiz Marital status: married, three children Nationality: German
Languages: German, French and English
Education, University Diplomas
Member of the Swiss Society of Pediatrics
Interuniversity Diploma « Psychoperinatality

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